God said “Elite”


God said “Elite” (I actually got this yesterday, so added it to today. The elite soldiers in old testament were the chosen soldiers to get the job done as needed. However, God’s elite are chosen people with his truth in them and he reveals himself to them with truth and communication. God’s elite are chosen from all over the world and chosen before they were born for a specific purpose for him. If you are chosen, God will reveal this to you eventually, but most already knew since childhood with a strong feeling. Whether your chosen or not, God does love us all and has a purpose for all our lives. It does not mean your any less important to God, just a different walk.
“1 Peter 2:9 – But ye [are] a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:”
Vision: Saw Jesus standing in street with white robe on holding a large squared pole with metal on top of it, like it was used for home building. He was looking at a yard and not sure what was in it, but I feel a home was being built. The back of his robe was a bit wrinkled like it was windy.
Vision: Saw a tower behind my neighbors home and a light was in it. Like being watched.
Dream: Was dreaming of me with some kids in an apartment and we were trying to get away from men in dark suits trying to get in. We went out another way and knocked on a neighbors door and she let us hide in her kitchen.