God Said “Faith”


God said “Faith” in a set of words and Faith was made to stand out the most. Sometimes the weakness gives us the most faith for the miracle. Once you get the power of the holy spirit, these minor afflictions have a healer that his strength shows stronger to heal and provide the miracle, so he can get the glory…not us! This does not mean these will stay with us forever, but we now have a healer, comforter, redeemer, and teacher to get the glory for the task needed. We just have to follow his voice for it. Your sick—God gets the glory now for being healer. Your persecuted—-God gets the glory for being the comforter now. He becomes stronger in us!
2 Corinthians 12:8-10 – 8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. 9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.
God made all of Hebrews 11 about faith from others in scripture…it is very powerful to read all the faith testimonials…
Read all of Hebrews 11…
6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
I saw the word “Position” and then it got brighter with gold colors.   Biblical meanings of position: https://biblehub.com/topical/p/position.htm
Vision: I saw the shadow of Jesus sitting on a bed and it was dark and smokey like the early morning hour. I am not sure whose bed he was on.
Saw the words “God Truth Word
I heard “19M
Dream: I dreamed somehow my sister and I were marrying the same guy and he was tall with dark hair and goatee. He wanted to take a job in New York, but I was asking her if she was sure she wanted to marry him. It was like someone she knew and I knew. I take this as a symbolic meaning and not sure it’s fully about marriage.
Dream: Something about an apartment and jobs by a school that was offered by a group of churches for me.
I am still seeing many faces and not sure who they all are, but they pop up like visions and not a dream.
God has been confirming things to me about healing’s…
I came across a healer Ian who did not have faith in healing, but his wife did…so God made him the healer. It’s kinda funny, bc I did not fully believe that prophecy was for today(due to church minded beliefs I learned) and even kinda made fun of a prophetic guy saying “There is no way God can give that much prophecy” then God made me prophetic consistently on a daily basis lol I was always prophetic I now know, because some of my elementary through high school dreams were prophetic future messages, but it did not all become consistent until I kinda laughed at a prophetic guy getting all these prophecies. Now I am laughing at myself lol
The video I watched and what he talked about was how God can send clues like a treasure hunt…kinda how he gives me clues and breadcrumbs leading up to the full meaning. I normally can figure them out later, what they went with or what they meant. This video is a powerful testimonial of his healing’s and how God operates in them…God has healed many through him…His words confirms much of my prophetic words from God and visions also I talked about in the past (Again…GOD HAS PATTERNS)…

Ian Andrews….https://youtu.be/42MzWWqMyj4