Was wrestling with God with some burdens in my life, so I struggled but finally fell asleep. I woke up to a scripture I saw and heard. This time was a bit jumbled, but probably because I put up blockers for God this time which I am noticing can happen. I saw Proverbs 14:43 and there was no 43, so I looked up Proverbs 14:4 and low and behold it was about an ox and it’s strength. Trust the spirit to lead you right. This is confirmation as God has mentioned this ox and strength several times to me as the “strong man.” I researched some websites that explains this scripture (Proverbs 14:4 Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.) I have seen many meanings behind this that all seem to make sense. For example, “where there are no ministers of the Gospel, there is no food for souls. Oxen are an emblem of faithful and laborious ministers. ” or ““where there are no scholars of the wise men, there is no instruction in the constitutions.” and even as an example of being inventive because without using the ox families would starve with one man trying to do it on his own. He had to find a bigger strength or idea then himself for his family to survive. God is the one that gives these new inventive idea’s like he did to wise Solomon who wrote that scripture. It was to help the leader of the family or church become prosperous for his goal and to learn to follow God’s instructions and as the leader you need God’s help. After I read the scripture the first time, I told God I am still confused and was frustrated lol I then woke again and saw the scripture 16:3 meaning read (Proverbs 16:3 Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.) He wants us to surrender to his will. He will help me, but I must commit to his will and trust his will for my life. He has good plans for me. For these two scriptures…they answered first confirmation about the strong as an ox man God said he is sending and second about the questions i wrestled with etc..I need to trust him to guide my steps. I think also this scripture shows this man is going to help boost me spiritually and financially. He will be the help and increase in my empty crib lol God has a sense of humor for sure.
https://www.biblestudytools.com/commentaries/gills-exposition-of-the-bible/proverbs-14-4.html This site also talks about how these strong ox (ministers) are the “eyes” …will explain why this has meaning later