My sheep hear my voice

Prophetic Word: “Do you know how to follow and obey God?”


Remember: Some dreams below I am playing the role of someone else and they could be a message for someone reading, but make sure to let the Lord confirm this with you.

Prophetic Word: “Do you know how to follow and obey God?” This message is for all of us and the lord loves for us each to search out his mysteries or messages he loves to give. If you do not know how to follow the lord and desire it, then trust me he will guide and teach. He will comfort, correct and direct our paths. You first need to ask him how to hear…I’ve written so much on this in the past messages. Remember God is a spirit and he speaks in the spirit and shows up in the spirit more. The problem with many who think they follow him, they are really leading or taking over the drivers seat and I am guilty of this as well. The lord showed me a vision one time of him sitting in the drivers seat, then weeks later he showed me another vision of me taking over the drivers seat, then back to him again in another vision…his message was clear…Either we take control or learn his ways and to follow and let him drive. Learn to obey his voice….”My sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me…” He’s the leader, he’s our shepherd! Sheep learn to follow his path, not the worlds path. Our father loves to be involved in every aspect of our lives…we can’t forget him.

John 10:27-28 27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

Vision: I saw the lord sitting down in front of me and it felt like we were by a fire. He was getting closer and smiling like he wanted to talk deeply with me. He always makes me feel so loved, wanted…when I don’t feel that from the world.

Vision: Jesus was standing in my left view in his robe as always. I kept waking seeing words incomplete like “faith…”and “the two shall become…”I also kept seeing glimpses of the lord. Almost like something is incomplete still was the message.

Saw a different time in the spirit “instantly the two shall become one”

Saw vision of the lord sitting pushing something out like with the clay. Like he was finishing up shaping us and molding us, so it was much more intense. Directly after I saw a vision of a cross like sand texture and color. It was in the sky.

Vision of door shutting…God was shutting the door to something in the spirit.
Saw “964” in the spirit.
Vision of older man very clear face and he was looking at me…almost felt like he was praying for me during spiritual battles.

Vision: I saw Someone Going thru the finish line…like saying we all have our own race to finish.

Dream of Jesus taking me and my sisters to heaven in his arms one by one, but then he brought us back. Almost like he was showing us a part of heaven, but we can’t stay there.

Dreaming of stray cats all of a sudden in my home, but I wanted my main cat and could not find her. One cat was soaked or wet and got under my covers. Another jumped up on top bunk and chased my older cat away. There was two or three new cats I now had to take care of.

Dreaming of husband being home laying in bed with me but tax collectors and ppl of order making him leave bc he was dirty but I asked if he could come back and they allowed it.

Dream: Was seeing ppl in small spacecraft built for one, woman and man and then I was on planet where I could see planets and stars so close to us etc…all of a sudden the planets started moving faster and kept getting closer to us at lightening speed and I almost thought they would hit us. They were in a single file line moving at lightening speed, but they never touched us. There was a fear things were happening very fast through this dream. Unseen and unreal things will happen faster then we realize.

This was a dream the lord gave me for someone: He was a preacher type with Bible holding it close to his heart…he goes to homes puts God first and can see or discern lies or if other’s are hiding something. Turned into someone who drinks or does unclean things…needs to clean house, we were at a bar scene at one point and a beautiful girl was there dark hair she was famous or popular in some way and I assume it was to him. This also went with this dream: Mexican 3 eggs 3 blueberries and he understood it.
Then I heard in the spirit…”he builds it up then restores it to great pleasure”

This was another message: What profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his soul…

Dream of mom upset fighting with youngest daughter. I went with my sister into closet and was gonna leave but mom came in the closet to talk.

Vision of an old fashioned dress like it was washed and hanging. I believe it was like peach color. It felt like the message was our garments are being made clean.

Dream of girl and boy and I was helping them learn how to save money…they were like my kids but I didn’t know them. I kept seeing huge ocean waves coming, but asked the boy to switch one of his toys and after he listened the waves calmed.