Vision of Jesus Standing In Front of His Hebrew Tomb (Open Door)


There are many messages he gave in this one vision. The door in this vision has two different primary meanings and this seems to be the Lord’s theme lately. He is relating to believers and unbelievers. Some are for those who belong to him now and some for those who he is calling and will be his one day. “And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” (Luke 18:27)

I woke on 5-27-23 to another beautiful vision of the Lord standing in front of a large circular stone that had a square looking door in it. It looked like the part that sealed up the tomb for Jesus. This stone was a yellow faded/golden type color with hebrew writings all over it. I could not see these writings because I was standing behind Jesus and further away, but I could see to his right more and saw his face slightly. It had a bright light shining from this square shaped door. I saw Jesus standing in front of this tomb facing towards it. He had these beauitful tall flower stems and grass he was standing on and the taller stems had these small circular flowers on the tops of them. There were different colored flowers, but I only remember the red and blue colors. It was more pastel tones and I believe this was because the Lord was shining on everything. Jesus was in his white robe and he moved slightly towards this open door. He was looking and focused on this open door. He was glowing and his robe was bright white with his hood up this time.

This vision had so many details and messages the Lord was showing me, but the primary message is…There is life after death. There is a promise after darkness. There is more because of what Christ did for us and his love for us. He wrote out his instructions and gave us the holy spirit to guide us how to get there. The stone was displaying it was impossible for the Lord to be rise after death, but God put the door there to make a way. He is showing us with him all things are possible and he makes open doors where there appears to be none. In our own understanding, we can’t see a way, but with Christ he makes a way. We as believers operate by faith, not by sight. Such a powerful message from him again. Scriptures below…

Here are other meanings just to show you how detailed the Lord likes to be:
Lord shining bright – God’s glory and holy spirit, he shares his glory with us
The tomb was showing us his resurrection – him dying for us to prove his love, it shows a promise after death and that promise is life bc of what he did for us.
The Hebrew language on stone – These are the messages from the Lord and his teachings in his scriptures, as well as his proof it was his tomb, his teachings lead us to do God’s will with the help of the holy spirit
The flowers – are representation of a promised land or promises after being led by the spirit. There is promises here on earth as well as when we die. The Lord was standing on these flowers to show us there is life after death and he conquered it so we could live beyond this world some day with him. For all those who seek him.
The open door – we all have an open door at some point in our life from the Lord, or many open doors. There is more on the other side of these doors some of us have not experienced yet. The Lord showed me a meaning of making the impossible happen by showing the door in this tomb, because a door is in front of what is blocking us from moving forward or obstacles in our life and for some who still need to come to him. He is knocking on your door. You have to open it and let him in. He will not interfere otherwise, unless through prayers.
White – his purity and pure heart towards us
Hood up – He prays for us

Revelation 3:8
“I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.”

Revelation 3:20
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

John 10:9
9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

Dream for someone: Daughter was adopted, and you could not find husband. There was something to do with this sexual store, a haunted house and a homeless shelter. There was an older guy watching you and following you. You got away, but never found your husband.

visions and messages: saw a vision popup in slack of [2023], Filters, You can trust

Other visions of the Lord: I saw the lord in his white robe leaning over like caring for a baby that was laying in a manger or stack of hay made into a baby bed. The whole view was sepia tones and very vivid. He had deep ripples in his robe in this vision and the words that came to my spirit after seeing it was “Kindness” The Lord is kind to those who love him.

Vision of the Lord on a white sticker on a box. I saw his face. I knew this meant move. Some of you the Lord will be moving either with a job or location.

Other visions: Saw the Lord on this hill that had patches of grass spread out far and it was like a desert area and I was following him.
I forgot to add these visions I wrote down of the Lord from last post: I saw the Lord standing in red robe like ready for battle. Another one he was on his knee’s praying and possibly washing his hands in something square and white on the ground. Another vision was of him watching me. Another day, I saw a vision of the bright sun shining and then I saw Jesus, but then the sun was covered again by darkness and was harder to see him then.

Dream possibly for someone: I dreamed of two men hiring for a company that had something to do with the moon and radio room. The older guy had white hair and younger dark hair. The younger man asked if I was inside the holy spirit or out. I said def inside. I saw myself flying at this job, but had more embarrassing moments. We were sitting in between two cars with younger guy and he was asking me more questions. I somehow saw his ex’s watching us and showing jealousy, one point we were at a pool and I had a girl and boy toddlers with me. I told the girl to go swimming but the boy was in a baby tube and someone strapped him in too tight so I had to fix it in the pool. I felt someone helping me. At one point this young guy was trying too hard to empress me and was even rolling on the ground to make everyone laugh so I would see. He put on a girls bikini top. Everyone was laughing at him, but i thought it was weird. I remember in between cars we almost kissed by accident and then saw two shorter girls who were jealous watching. One has white outfit or dress on. The job felt very laid back. They seemed to be really nice and liked me. It felt like a retailer or possibly grocery type company also.

Dream: I dreamed I was teaching someone I worked with about Jesus and I was holding a candlestick with Jesus face on it with the same white sticker I sometimes see him on. The candle was lit. I kept having multiple dreams this night about teaching others for the Lord also.

Dream possibly for someone: Two sisters owned a company and older was being deceived by younger. It appeared that the older had more say in the company and the younger wanted her way, so she turned employees against you and was going to hire two men to rig your car to cause you to wreck in a garage area. You started to realize how bad it was and seeked help. You went to your younger brother who also worked in the company.

Dream: I dreamed of a man laying in his bed petting his young dog on 6-7-23. This man had dark hair and goatee with no mustache and short hair on top. His goatee was small but very cleanly cut and touched to the top of the sides of his head. It was like rounded and his face appeared more rounded. He seemed not happy about something.