I saw the words “Trust Me” in white letters being formed. I love it when he say’s this, because it means he is dealing with our struggles and fixing things in the background for us. He orders the steps of the righteous. All throughout God’s word, he talks about guiding us, providing for us, comforting us, and helping us. He is a good God who loves to do good things for his children. The problem is we can’t see into the future enough like he can, so he tells us to trust him.
Vision: I saw Jesus hand holding dirt and I knew a plant was going to grow out of that dirt. He makes things new and beautiful in his time.
Dream: I dreamed I married a guy that looked like my ex’s friend who was named “Anthony” I knew this guy was named anthony and he resembled him a lot. He lived in this two-story house in a downtown location and it was like a very big spacious house. He lost his mom recently, so it appeared the house may have been hers bc she was apparently a famous artist and the house was full of her art. He had boxes and things still unpacked and I was tryin to help him put away some things. There was a girl there that lived in the house and I believe she was his maid. Me and her were putting away his christmas boxes. He left me alone sleeping at one time and I woke yelling for him bc it was kinda a big empty house. I found him putting away boxes and he had his headphones on. He came to bed and put his arms around me from behind just like Jesus did. He was crying bc of pain of loosing his mom. Another instance we were out on his roof, which was flat and flying an play airplane, but when I flew it and it came back, it turned into a duck and came to me. I think he was gonna give the plane to a friend. He was more happy when I came into his life I remember and we both wanted to do nice things for each other.
All day after the dream of Anthony….I kept seeing the name “Anthony”…not sure who this is.
Dream: I was at someone’s wedding and i remember thinking I am under dressed and they asked me to be a bridesmaid. It ended up being over with behind the scenes or over quick. I was sitting with a little girl in the benches and I let her draw on my legs bc she was bored to keep her quiet.
God said “Trust Me”