Visions of Jesus Smiling On Autumn Path (Seasons Change)


The Lord has given us some encouragement with seasons changing and kingdom marriages…

I asked the Lord what he wanted me to show his people and I am excited to share this word and beautiful vision he gave.

I saw the Lord coming into this beautiful fall/autumn scene and he was smiling and very happy while walking down this path. His hair was wavy and down. He came from the left side and he was walking down this dirt path with his arms moving back and forth as he walked. It had a brown wood fence behind it that was more located to the right of the view. It was an older fence with big wood peices like crosses with only one horizontal wood connected to many vertical wood. There was no tree’s, but I saw golden grass all over and closer to my view specifically and he had on his white relaxed robe with long sleeves and a auburn/purplish color sash on this time and it was longer almost to the ground. The whole color scheme was like fall colors of orange hues, tan, brown, golden grass and magenta or mulberry color sash. I knew this meant seasons change and with the word below I also knew it meant things will get better for some bc your season is changing and your promise is closer then you think. I want to add that the Lord is a part of us and relates to each of us in our own ways, and I really love fall and always have for some reason. So the whole scene felt happy and encouraging to me. The fall everything seems it is giving it’s last bit of beauty before it dies and something new comes. He makes all things new and gives beauty for ashes! So many beautiful messages with fall. He lifts up our heads, he lifts up our hearts and gives us hope and a future. He is our deliverer.

To confirm this I heard him say “Keep holding out it’s going to get better”

Another word to go with this was given 9-3-22 Heard “Don’t give up”

Galatians 6:9
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

Cinderella visions/words: First I heard the word in my spirit “Cinderella” and then I saw a vision of a bride dress and I only saw the bottom of it. It was really big and puffy with golden lace decorations all over it, but under it was a white bride dress. Then I saw another vision that had words written on mauve colored paper with a gold crown on it located at the bottom left side…It read “If I tell you that the offer/slipper does not fit” and I knew this was from the Lord and the word offer meant also slipper bc I heard slipper right after offer.
God confirmed this bc I kept seeing after the vision as confirmation the word “Cinderella”. This relates to kingdom marriages he is planning for his bride and it relates to the bride of Christ is like Cinderella waiting for the King to rescue them. The Lord said if the slipper doesn’t fit, move on with relationships or offers. It’s a double meaning. The Lord will give confirmation if that slipper/offer was not meant for you. If a man makes you an offer for marriage, but the Lord did not confirm or made it clear already…please follow his instructions for your protection. Guard your heart, there is counterfeits. Follow instead the leading of the holy spirit. It will guide you into all truth. The lord has been confirming this before and after the visions to make sure I really got this one. Today, I also saw while driving saw the word “Cinderella” as a street name then I see on a church board “Trust in the Lord, but also trust in his timing” and I knew it was a message I should add to this post as confirmation.

The Lord has been really speaking to me about his plans for my life lately. If I ask him for confirmation if someone is not the “one”, he always answers and I know this bc it is in his will for me to marry his choice and it is a protection for us. God knows best and when we fully put our trust in his choice, he will deliver his best to match us at his best timing! This is what the Lord is teaching me about Kingdom marriages and so much more.

9-3-22 Saw Jesus in upper right corner view and he was slowing appearing in parts.

Vision: Forgot to add this last post – I saw a red rose on the ground in a hallway with doors. The rose was located by a door.

Titanic – 8-28-22 I was on this very big boat that looked like the titanic and it was sinking in my area, but somehow I was able to get off onto some secure dock located in the ocean, but the other ppl didn’t get off. The person driving the boat said, I don’t want to leave you here. I felt lonely, but it was safer and I was unsure why the others stayed on a sinking boat.

8-31 Dreamed of an Asian man who liked two girls and one he rode bus with her or some trip together and she had a gold chain necklace long, and long earrings as well. The other he gave earrings with a white/blue/purple colors in them. One girl left him and then the other found out about him trying to get with another girl somehow so she left.

I also saw an indian demon who was female with red eyes. I got this dream after I spoke with a man who could not keep focus on anything and I knew it was God confirming it was a demonic attack. If your not praying in the spirit/tongues, ask God about this gift, seek it out and it can help you with demonic strongholds.

I felt this word is meant for someone reading – I heard “Anti-circulent”