Below the Lord was giving encouragement for times in trials, spiritual attacks, or even confusion. These will happen as the bible shows and some of them for just a season, but he delivers us from them all. He has been showing me we need to “Trust the process.” Like the caterpillar in the cocoon, it eventually gets wings to fly after it’s dark uncomfortable time. Like gold being refined going thru the dark process first in order to be made into something beautiful/worthy….as well as a seed that first must die in darkness to grow many vines and bear fruit. We all have to go through a process as well, because God want’s us to grow also. All the Lord showed in his parables, we see similar patterns on earth today….Can we perceive it?

Prophetic Message – “God see’s more thru his eyes” We often see ourself or other’s through our own understanding, but we forget God is not the same…he can see thru to the true heart of man as well as all he has been through in life or in secret. He knows even more then we know about ourselves or others. I have seen him do this…reveal things ab us we did not even know was there. Trust the process!

Prophetic Message “Count it as Joy” James 1:2-4 “2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. (What this means is we will want for nothing in this world more then Christ and the devil will no longer have a foot hold over our life to cause addiction or wavering, through patience and trusting the Lord we will see his joy revealed…only AFTER we seek his kingdom will we get all desires of our heart from HIM bc our desires will be aligned with his, any other time we are doing it in our own strength. It’s much more powerful with the Lord!)

Prophetic Message: “Go to your secret place with God and read your bible”. This one is pretty clear and going to our secret place should involve worshipping/speaking in spirit and truth! If you have not learned how to speak in the spirit…ask the Lord! He is faithful to show those who have good intentions with asking or he will prepare you if you don’t to learn.

Vision: I saw these boxes scrolling upward and in them were reminders of things God said to me in the past. I remembered them as I woke, but got too busy to write them down again, so forgot them. I do remember one specifically said…”I am the Lord your God” God reminds us who he is to us and gives us peace as well as confirmation when we need it. He is a good God and loves his people to the point of death! Some he is still opening their eyes and I have seen him in this process many times while him using me.

Vision: To go with his encouragement further, I saw a vision of the Lord with his hood up this time and after seeing many of these visions of him like this I knew he was praying. This vision his robe so very rich white colors. I see this theme a lot throughout these visions as well. I felt this is his way of highlighting the richness and fullness of God. Ephesians 3:19 “And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.” He reminds us in this visions that he prays for his people and we are filled with him. We are not in this walk alone, but we do have to run our race too. Thank the lord, we have him to do it with us now!

Vision of the Lord watching me and he had yellow sash that covered over his shoulders this time. Yellow and gold were used sometimes interchangeably in the bible. Gold is symbolism for his glory. The Lord changes the color of his sash in these visions to give a message or to show who he is as well as his heart for us.

Another prophetic message I saw big white words that said “TRUTH”

Many visions of the Lord again, I keep seeing him. Some are small gestures like him picking something up by a boat, and a few other’s I just kept seeing him every night or when I wake. Guys he is always there like he promised. That is his message for us. I see him anytime I am receptive, and even throughout the day while I am busy. He is truly near.

Vision – I saw a vision another day of the Lord holding up my hair and smiling at me. I knew it was the message of he knows every hair on our head. 12:7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

Dreams: I will be coming back to add the dreams if I feel led. Most were personal this time and one was for someone I met and God revealing things to him.