Vision & “I Am Coming Soon”


Vision of Jesus holding his Rod in his white robe and another message I heard him say “I am coming soon”
The Lord showed me the meaning of this Rod with other visions, but a deeper meaning this time after asking the Lord for the meaning. As I was pondering on it, I started scrolling through these Pinterest posts and kept noticing images of Jesus guiding this little girl and he had his Rod. It hit my spirit what the Lord was trying to say even more bc I remembered also a vision similar with me and Lord walking through this field and he was holding my hand guiding me. His rod and staff comfort us, guide and protect us on the right path with him. He leads the way for his children and we follow. It is not us leading him or guessing…it is him leading and us following! The other meaning is for those who are rebellious or turning away from the Lord, it is used to correct and lead back into the right path. Remember, he is guiding us gently and only we can fight against that and we should consider it a blessing to be guided by him. We will want to be on that road with Jesus! “For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4.

The message I heard him say one morning “I am coming soon” is not a new message and I have been hearing this since he started speaking. He is reminding us it is sooner then we think, even if our timing is different then his. In his timing it is soon and he is keeping that promise to return as he keeps all his promises. Revelation 22:12-12 “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”

The other meaning is this, he is also coming inside his people now! He will manifest himself to them….John 14:21-26 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. Many of you will meet the Lord soon!

Some of the things below the holy spirit spoke to me were personal and some were for everyone. The reason I am adding them all here is because I want those who do not realize yet, how much the holy spirit interacts with us to lift our spirit.

Heard the Holy Spirit say: Stay in position (Stay close to him)
Heard the Holy Spirit say: You are chosen (Has the Lord showed you this?)
Heard the Holy Spirit say: Don’t be mean (Kindness is a fruit of spirit)
Heard in the spirit: Glass being broken (This was something being broken off in the spirit)
Heard the holy spirit remind me: “You are the kings daughter”

Dream: I saw a man with stripes shirt on, also had a knife he kept, he was in bed one morning while his wife worked two jobs delivery for one, and her boss for one called to offer her a position. She was reluctant to take on more.

Vision: I saw myself flying above clouds