Saw: Are You Outside of God’s Will?


Vision of a black board and on it was the words in white “Are You Outside of God’s will?” Can you be outside of God’s will? We can be outside of God’s will and that is where we choose to walk our own path or follow sin more then the will of God. What is God’s will…the plan God has chosen for your life personally. He has a purpose for each of us here. He wants us to depend on him, seek him for help, and follow him. The more you follow his will, the more he will appear in your life and you will see him move. If you choose to do something aside from his will, and you know God has said NO to it or hasn’t given an answer yet or peace in your heart to do it, or if he said no in his word to it, then you choose to walk your own will. Bad things can happen out of God’s will more and it’s a protection for us to stay in his will. Marrying outside of God’s will, or being “unequally yoked” is a good example of how we can suffer outside of his will. The exception of this is when your being tested in the wilderness, he may appear distance at first, but he will come to your rescue as he did me. This is where God becomes more real and shows you his love and grace is greater. Even though your outside of his will and chose your own way away from him, he wants to show his love and lead you back to safety. He is near to the broken hearted and my life is a living testimonial of that.
—————I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:1–2)—————————————–

1 John 5:14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

If you ask anything in his will:
Vision of a paper with the words in cursive on a contract type paper….land, land
Words: Queen again in white letters…hmmm what’s God saying here
Dream: I got a new house with new items in it.
Dream: A guy was fighting a very tall powerful demon like thing and he has some kinda gold chain around his neck that was shiny and lighted up and it was powerful, but he lost it. So the evil thing came back to fight for it.
Dream: A guy at my work was trying to get me in trouble.
Dream: Me and a girl were waiting in our cars to go into this company for some kinda interview. She got her’s first and was helping me out with giving me some kinda crate.
Dream: I dreamed something ab shoes and in a room with others tryin to finish a task like them. There were lockers too we stored our things in.