God said “Reliance”


I have been battling again with God’s future plans for me and I asked him a specific question he answered. I was actually looking up recipes online and making out a grocery shopping list before I went to sleep. Before I slept I asked God for confidence when the time is right for him to reveal this “strong man” and I saw a message before bed that said “Coming Soon Confidence” Then I fell asleep and I woke to a vision of a shopping list and there was a title and at the end of the title it said “from God” and one of the items on the list was “Reliance Bowl.” I was like wow he likes to relate to what he see’s us doing throughout the day and he answers me always regarding his will 🙂 God is very big about trusting and relying on him for his timing. It’s part of loving him and trusting him as a father.
2 Chronicles 16:7 And at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah, and said unto him, Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the LORD thy God, therefore is the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand.
Paul also relied on God: 1 Corinthians 2
Encouragement if you are reverting back to self-reliance: https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/when-our-hearts-revert-to-self-reliance
Various Scriptures about Reliance on God: https://www.openbible.info/topics/rely_on_god
Wanted to add a link where God led me too as he does often regarding another girl who got her prayer language and the holy spirit like me and let it encourage you to use your gifts from God: https://www.fromhispresence.com/learned-use-prayer-language/
Dream: I had a couple dreams about tornado’s and one I was seeing it come through the window and it was an F5 or bigger and I had no time to go to the basement so I saw a tub I could get in. I remember being upset thinking my sons downstairs may not make it. This dream also showed me outside in backyard where I saw a bunch of food stored in storage fridges on the ground and I realized strawberries were growing in one area…I pulled them out but realized they were not ready yet, so I put them back. I then went to my friend Rodin to tell him about the tornado coming and saw on the TV the whole scene like it was on replay and he said he could not see any of it.
Dream: There was something about a pageant contest and someone won and that person he was gonna marry. It appeared to be someone famous in disguise in a downtown area.
Dream: I got a business offer from a guy I did not trust and we were going to a downtown area to make a sales pitch.
Dream: I saw a very big brown bear in the woods eating something.
Dream: I saw two fish in plastic bags I placed on the ground.