Vision of Jesus Among Riots & Revenge


My first vision: I saw Jesus walking on a street and there was people all around him that seemed to be walking different directions chaotic. I could feel some tension in this vision. I felt he was disappointed and he had his white robe on with his hood up and that means he was in prayer. He wasn’t looking at the people, and his head was down. This felt like a message to the people doing the riots on the streets that this is not the way he wants us to be. This is not how we are like Jesus and he calls us to peace with one another. I believe the words he gave me below of Grace and Beyond went with this also. First, he offers grace for all… for reasons we cannot always know, but he is clear we should let God get the revenge and look beyond this world bc it is a spiritual battle we face that needs to be fought on our knee’s. True believers know we don’t fight against flesh and to the Lord all lives matter and he looks at the heart of all. The division among his people has been a problem for a long time. If you are a child of God you can’t let satan mess with your mind and cause you to seek revenge or to focus on what other’s say or do. Our focus should not be revenge, but should be on the one who makes all things right in his time and his way. He say’s pray for your enemies…not to attack them. If you get revenge, you are no different then those causing the problem and now you also caused destruction too and did not trust the Lord. “…Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord” Romans 12:19

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Matthew 5:43-44 43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Saw the words “Grace”, “Beyond” and “Adore You”…God kept repeating the words “Beyond” the last few days while awake also. The adore you felt more like a personal message, but God adores all his children. He seeks to speak to all his children with personal love messages.

Another vision I had of Jesus was him playing chess with a young girl around elementary age. She had dark skin and hair was braided up in a two buns. Jesus had his white robe on and a red belt around his waist.

Vision that came true right away: I was chatting a guy that also heard the Lord speak in the past and it came true. He was saying he could be the one and I should ask God. I asked God if he is the one that night, but did not feel he was and am still very guarded until God say’s. I dreamed that night about us at a buffet and he got into line for the salad bar first and someone got up behind him. I then got in line and he wanted me to come by him, but I did not want to cut the guy in front of me. The next day I told him and he said…I did go to a buffet today at golden corral. God was confirming to him I am prophetic, but also the message was that I can’t move ahead of God and until God confirms to me and to this guy he chose…my heart is very guarded now!

Dream: A man was trying to please a lady with her daughter. The lady was white with blond hair and her daughter also. The guy had dark hair. This man even bought a dog to try to convince her to date him. This man is not the one and was a deceiver. Pray if you feel this message is for you that the Lord will reveal the truth.
Dream: I dreamed a man killed two daughters in a home he was breaking into with his wife and others. The girls were hiding under the bed and one had blonde hair. This man was pure evil. This couple was believers and good people. I felt their sadness.
Dream: I took over a class for a lady of elementary kids. She was going on vacation and I was putting their names on the board.
Vision: I saw chinese people cleaning vegetables to give to friends….there was a lot and almost like poverty around, but they had plenty to share.
Vision: I saw a lady at a salon or in someone’s home? getting her hair done. She had dark skin and short hair that was up in curlers. The message felt she should move with some decision she was talking about to this person.
Heard: Rat poison and then I tasted rat poison in food and knew instantly God was telling me my mom put weed poison out by my plants that are almost grown, so he was warning me not to eat them.