Prophetic Word: “Bloom” & “Love Chapter”


This past week I got a prophetic word three times that said “Bloom”…First I saw “Trust Me” and then bloom, bloom bloom. I was unsure what God meant about this until he confirmed it. I was shocked because a video literally popped up that I did not click on and I heard her saying God told her “bloom” and that God spoke to her a few times about this word, so I knew this was from the Lord. Then she spoke about Kingdom marriages and it was very encouraging and I knew God wanted me to share it.
Then to confirm even more, I see another prophetic word: “Love Chapter” and these words were highlighted yellow in a sentence. I knew it all was related to Kingdom marriages and the love chapter or season of some of our lives will be for our Kingdom marriage prepared by God. The waiting, the attacks, the loneliness and the rejection will all be worth it when the Lord shows up with his glory and to unveil.

For those of you who sacrificed and waited on the Lord he said there will be “love” again in your hearts in the next chapter, though you may not feel it at the moment from being tired and feeling defeated from past relationships failing or spiritual attacks. God has promised you will love again and bloom in your love chapter. Some of us know we are here on assignment from the Lord and this will be part of our assignments–to have a kingdom spouse to help and to love so that with the Lord we can help many souls come to him. This is for the next generations he has told me and there is preparation for that and trust that God knows what we need ahead of time, before we meet this spiritual spouse. Don’t settle and don’t give up! Trust the process!

Isaiah 35:1-2  The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. 2 It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the Lord, and the excellency of our God.

Several Instances of Bloom in the bible:

Dream: This dream I also believe was God confirming even more. I was dreaming of being in a relationship with a man that felt like my husband. We were very close and both had to drive a race car around laps. This is def symbolic to a spiritual meaning of we will still run our race with our spouse on this earth, but we will have one another to help lift up and encourage and love through it.

Video about bloom and Kingdom marriages: