Heard “Do All In Glory”


Heard “Do All In Glory” …1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
Vision: Saw Jesus sitting on a couch which was close to me and he reached over the arm and gave me a cup that was empty.
An Emptied vessel-We have to empty ourselves of impurities to be used by God, though this is hard sometimes we can overcome with Jesus help and forgiveness. Found a great quote on this site: https://biblehub.com/kjv/matthew/23.htm.
“…Secondly, the vessel has to be empty. It cannot be used if it is full of things. Can you use a cup filled with something when you want to drink water? Even if the cup is near you, if it is filled with any other substance, you will not use it. You will, either, empty the cup and clean it before using it; or, you will simply reach for an empty cup. The vessels have to be empty if they are to be used.
Matthew 23:26 Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.”
Vision: Saw Ocean water
Vision: Saw Clouds formed into a bell
Saw the word “Goodbye” after a small message with some kind of brown writing and a flower image.
Saw the name “Tony Schooling or Strongling” Not clear on last name.
Saw a message being written with the subject line “Disappoint” and was kind of a paragraph sized letter.
Dream: I dreamed I was driving and a very large dark butterfly landed on my window trying to get in to bite me. My son said they bite, but I thought instantly butterflies don’t bite, but it jumped on my arm and turned into a parrot pecking me instead and it was a dark gray color also.
Then I had car troubles and had a flat tire that needed to get fixed. I took it too a shop where while waiting I saw a famous actress who gave me and my son $1000 dollars to help us. She was very tall, so almost like an angel in disguise.