Vision of Patience: I was sitting in this fold out camp type chair and seemed very ancy or could not sit still. I saw the Lord come into view with his white robe on and he sat in a pink camp type chair directly located to the left view. There was a white wall behind the chair he sat in and a lot of empty land all around the building we were under. It felt like others were nearby. This pink chair was a chair I was sitting in earlier that day watching a movie. He often shows things like this to show he is with us throughout our day and sometimes I know it’s bc we may have felt a specific thing at that moment he is addressing. He started to eat the apple in the vision. He was looking straight out eating this apple and showing patience and calmness. I knew the meaning was him showing by example to have patience for things we pray about or a promise from him. We are sometimes so ancy, impatient with our own understanding, but he came to show us by example there is more peace in waiting patiently on him. The apple represented we are the apple of his eye and he also should be the apple of our eye. Our focus should be on him esp in times of long-suffering, or waiting a long time for things to happen or change. The other mean is this, if we are in sin it can also cause ancy or unhealthy behavior. We need to repent of any sin and run from it as well as stay close to him if we want any peace. We all have needs and he is showing that he knows every detail and has ordered our steps. Trusting him is not always easy in this world, but we know bc he loves us and we love him, he will show up in his perfect time.

Vision of Freedom: I saw the back of the Lords shadow standing in front of a US flag and he was looking up at it. He was wearing his robe, and his hood was down. The flag covered the whole scene behind him. I saw the meaning was a representation of freedom. He came to set the captives free to help anyone in bondage. This world was meant to be free in Christ and one day he will change it all. This means free also from control. The lord told me one time “Control rules the world” and that control is not from him but the evil rulers of the world…satan and his demons. We don’t fight against flesh and blood, but the demons that can get inside them! Spiritual warfare.

  • Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17
  • As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.1 Peter 2:16
  • What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.Romans 6:15
  • The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound. Isaiah 61:1
  • Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

Heard in the spirit…And now the difference is to embrace….Salvation!    Salvation also means freedom in Christ.  Scriptures on salvation:

Saw prophetic word: “Esther” and then directly after I saw “Coming”

This vision was for a friend I believe when I asked specifically something about him. I saw a vision of a coffee cup.

Dreams: I have had so many dreams again of people being tortured and being forced to fight against one another. This torture is inhumane and reveals how bad this world will get. One a man and woman had to fight against one another and the man lost so he was whipped for 30 days straight. Another man was begging to be set free and explaining all the things they were doing to his body. I felt fear for them and sad. I saw a vision also of a women being kidnapped…hair blonde to her shoulders and she had tape over her mouth. She was located in a small shed, white. I have prayed about her and others I see in the spirit that are suffering in this world. It hurts my heart people think God will just sit and take this forever or he is not real enough to recognize or do something about it. He has eyes in his people too and nothing is hidden from him. He has come to set the captives free! If you see someone suffering in a vision, we are meant to pray for them.

The Lord gave me specific instructions for something personal again. These instruction gave me some hope for a certain situation.