Vision: Appointments: Bride & Groom Holding Hands

Note: The bible say’s we prophesy in part (1 Corinthians 13:9), and this means God reveals the meanings fully in his time so he gets the glory not us. So take all messages you feel are for you to the Lord and get confirmation from him personally. He desires a personal relationship with each of us.

Vision: Appointments: Bride & Groom Holding Hands
The Lord has been speaking first to my spirit more lately about these divine appointments he is performing for marriage, but this week I was getting so much confirmation that it’s about time for him to bring them together or reveal. I heard first “Appointments” and then I saw a vision first of a bride putting her hand in the grooms hand. I see later in another vision: “Be Ready”…The Lord is getting ready to make appointments with his Kingdom marriages. Some of you will be joined by divine appointment from Jesus himself and he said “Be ready.”
Prior to this vision I heard, “He was working, he was working with his people”, Then I see a vision of two ppl about to be married and Jesus was the center just like the picture I posted last. Not only did I get all this, but I see this video testimonial below that was such encouragement at a specific time that spoke so deep to my spirit. I hope it encourages all in waiting for your partner….I felt it from the Lord and he was putting his print on the last message I wrote so much to encourage us all.  Make sure it’s God’s choice and you don’t let your heart move ahead of God.
Psalms 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.

Vision Of Jesus standing sideways in my front view. I see him full figure but something like rocks was blocking his below his ankles. Full white robe. Again, he watches over his children and makes it known. Love it when he does that 🙂
Heard 2 dates: Jan 21 and Jan 15th.
Heard: Victory
Vision: I see a quick vision of a man picking up trash on a beach by rocks with a stick and this vision was at a fast forward type view. This was new to me.
Vision: Saw a man pushing a baby stroller with flannel on dark clean cut hair and goatee with glasses. The flannel was white with dark stripes. He seemed sad or disappointed with a straight face.
Vision: I see a quick vision of man with a backpack pulling a girl in red wagon and it felt they were at a museum type place.
Saw: Welcome to the secure-Christ
Saw: To relive, To refresh, To renew….this was pertaining to fasting and encouragement also.
Vision: I saw a lady like a prophet putting bread in another woman’s mouth who was kneeling.
Dream: I was seeing all these apartments opening up for people and they were moving in them.
Dream: Was dreaming about Trump being in office and there was something to do with eating cake or celebrating something and a gathering. I was playing the role of a female watching kids for the people in the party, but he left the party and was hanging out with us bc he saw us by the cake area which was located separate from the gathering. It was like he liked this girl but kept it professional and her and the kids came into his office for karaoke. Not sure the meaning of this dream, but I do not follow politics much.
Some personal messages: Writer, Going Higher in attic scene,
Dream: I saw some girls working in a grocery store and food was limited and time so one girl yelled at one of the girls on the phone for taking up too much time. This girl was one of God’s and she handled it well and went off in peace bc she was about to get married to a great guy. She had a great spirit.

Isaiah 50:4 (KJV)
4 The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.