You Can Hear The Voice of The Lord


I really feel God sends me these to share with all of you. It is also great confirmation as to what God is teaching me and the way he speaks to me. I have heard the Lord loudly, I have heard his small voice, I have heard his voice of thunder, I hear him prophetically, I hear him through visions or symbols, I have heard him through the voice of others and I have heard him with words I see repeated throughout the day or in scriptures. He speaks how we know, he is not the author of confusion and his spirit will make it known it’s from him. He also will repeat if you didn’t recognize it was from him. He loves to speak to us, to teach us and to reveal things to his children. He did not leave us here helpless, he wanted us to learn who our first love is first. We sometimes suffer, because we pull away from that. You just don’t know how special it is to hear the Lord.

I felt this video was said so well that I just wanted to share it with you. If you need to hear from the Lord, this lady explains it so well. Everything she say’s is true and I am confirmation of what she say’s that he speaks to me too these ways. When he first spoke out loud and said, “Do You Trust Me?” It was so loud that I could not deny it was him. Ofc at first when you hear him, you will doubt and question, but your spirit will pick up really quickly who just spoke to you. Most of the time I hear his small voice when I am awake, but prophetically I hear him a little louder as soon as I wake or with white words. I heard the Lord a long time ago in a small voice say, “You will be heard by many.” I kinda mocked him laughing saying NO WAY, people never listen to me. His word never comes back void. If I don’t write it down quickly, I may forget it perfectly. So I really try and I do write everything down he say’s. I cherish his words bc they come true and they are from someone that loves us. Please watch the video for confirmation you can hear from him too and ways to learn how. A note that I also did not personally start hearing him for several years until I was baptised in the holy spirit by Jesus and I spoke with tongues. Ask, Seek Knock he says and the door will be opened. The answers are right there in his word, we just pass them up. My sheep hear my voice Jesus said…

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