Jesus Spoke Of Encouragement With Psalms


I was just talking to my friend yesterday how I see things prophetically or hear them in my spirit, but don’t get to hear Jesus speak as much as I want and I miss his voice after a while. Jesus heard me, bc that night I slept then woke and was trying to go back to sleep and he said…”These scripture’s come to mind…Psalms 24:7... I saw several other Psalm scriptures…so Please read all of Psalms 24, because I think these are the scriptures he is referring too. The main scripture he gave is below. He wants us to lift our heads to him, to help us, to save us! I then go back to sleep and wake to hear him speaking again and he said…”Stay Faithful“….He wants us faithful to him and his will for our lives for those who have surrendered their will to him. Many use the excuse he gave us free will, but pay attention to his words/patterns and not just one scripture. Truly did he give us full free will if you look at the patterns of the prophets etc…in the bible? What about Jesus, did he come to do his own will or the will of the father? Those close enough to him, know they are close not only bc of geniune love for him, but also bc they surrendered their own lives for him and that is sacrifice of love he also did. We do have free will, but isn’t that the test? Why are many called, but few chosen? If I am to follow Jesus and pick up my cross, doesn’t that mean I follow him in all things including doing the will he has for my life vs my own will? He knows best and there is a reason he say’s to trust him. He’s looking for those who trust him with things in their life. I do think there are certain things he gives us free will, but ultimately the goal is to be in his will in all things in life. He loves his children coming to him with trust…Anything you surrender fully to him…watch the outcome! We can do nothing apart from him like he said! Pay close attention to his words, they will give you truth and life…he already answered us on many topics, we just ignore it…John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

Psalms 24:7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
Vision: I was seeing fog in a vision and the very next day strangely at an odd time close to dark….fog was everywhere and this is not normal to see at this time. Was just a small prediction I wanted to share, and I think now all these little predictions he gives me…are for training me to trust him and discern.
Dreaming: I was dreaming of baby animals a lot and one was an egg that hatched. I first see two baby chickens with hearts on them, then I was holding an egg and it hatched and I see a baby inside looking at me. I took care of it. Then I see a vision of a baby rabbit in my garden and it was soo vivid and realistic. It was gray and white. These babies can represent new life or new beginnings.
Dream: I was dreaming and was with a group of ppl and I remember telling them I don’t really want to go against God bc I don’t want to hurt him… I felt God saying he wanted to trust his children down here and they don’t realize he walks among them. In this dream, afterwards I went to get ice cream at a carnival and I was sad they did not have chocolate, but I go around again and see chocolate instantly. Almost, like a blessing.
Vision: I saw a blonde man with somewhat long hair on top that seemed wet or he was sweating a lot, and he was on the ground with his head to the ground crying out as if suffering a lot.
Vision: I see a shovel digging out some dirt and then after that I see a heart shape with a cut out heart in it.