Vision: Jesus Holding The Umbrella of Protection


Vision: I saw Jesus holding an umbrella standing next to me, like he was offering protection if I come under it with him. There are times under pain and suffering some of us back away from the Lord or go in silence. The Lord understands and he reminds us to stay close so he can protect us from the storms. We all handle suffering differently, so please don’t ever judge someone for being different. Don’t assume that person is distant because they don’t have a heart, because it just could be that they have too big of a heart. God loves us and made us all unique. We should love one another the way he loves us. Unconditionally! We don’t know what people have been through or are going through, but God does. God knows how to pull his people back to him gently, he knows how to correct them and he knows what they need for love.  The God that comes to me is not about perfection, otherwise we would all be disqualified.  He is looking at the heart and intention.  We need to see more like him.

His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark. –Psalm 91:4b
The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD. Proverbs 21:31

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. Psalms 34:19

Vision: I saw a man kiss a woman on the lips. (I knew this was for Kingdom marriages)
Vision: I saw a vision of a wood door opening and it was dark inside. (How many examples are there of things that grow in darkness before it see’s light? How many are prepared in darkness by God first? When the right door opens that darkness was preparing it to grow, that darkness was only for a time and very uncomfortable, then it sprouts and see’s sunlight. God does a new thing in his people also, just as he does the butterfly, the flower or the diamond. I pray we don’t give up and can keep going despite what we see or can’t see.)

Vision of Words: Jesus loves you and Elite.
Vision: I saw a vision of a wood board and I saw in the middle praying hands.
Vision: I woke too seeing someone’s demon trying to get access to me. This demon was bald and very angry and was coming out of a torn circular hole ripping back the sides. I knew he was a demon and prayed against it.
Heard a man say “Daughter”

Dreamed of some believers who titled their youtube channel with the word Gypsy. I somehow knew they were still God’s by their message and heart, but they just misunderstood the name was something that God would not approve. If God can love all of us even when we make mistakes, why do we constantly condemn one another for mistakes or things they do not know. There is a difference between judging, and sharing truth that God showed you or righteous judgement. Sharing God’s truth is done in love to help guide and judging is there to make them feel condemned like they won’t make it to heaven. There’s a difference and that difference depends on your true heart for the person your speaking too. God knows. Do everything in love.

Dream: Man called me in the midst of trying to get logged back into work and my sister gave me the phone and he said do you know who I am? I didn’t recognize him and actually felt he was a stranger I didn’t want to talk too from the past so I let him go and told him to text me bc I was busy atm.

Dream: I dreamed I was an assistant teacher for elementary aged students. I walked in and saw all their bathrooms were dirty and they were not taking care of them. There was two rows of 4 stalls for their bathroom. I tried to tell the teacher an idea to help them take care of and clean their area more, but she said my idea would not work bc one of the students was allergic. It was like she cared for all them and they would all go through similar together. If one could not, then they all could not. Most of these teachers in these dreams are a representation of Jesus I believe as our teacher. He has a message in all of them. In this dream, the teacher had to be patient, and their concern was all students and not to leave any behind. I knew it meant Jesus knows more then we do what is going on with all his students, so it’s hard to judge anyone for that reason and it’s why he has a timing for everything.

Two dreams of men getting married and something to do with grass being cut.

Words repeated to me: Surprise, Miracle and Be Still

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