God said “…A lot Will Feel Blessed”


First, God gave me words of encouragement for his people. “It’s Going To Get Cheery & A lot Will Feel Blessed

Heard a bird singing in the spirit and it really lifted my spirit back up. I knew this was God encouraging me and it was so loud it woke me and put peace on my heart again. It was a beautiful sound. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy…God comes to restore all that is stolen. Psalms 89: 15 15 Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance.

Heard: Deep Processes – Deep calls unto deep…God has always taught me this way deeply and I always take that information and process it. He desires that with all his children a deeper walk in learning. If you allow him, he will teach you layers of the bible.
Deep Processing. Deep information processing occurs when learners interact with the information and analyze it.

Another Supernatural Marriage Story:
I post these all the time as God sends them and this one was needed on so many levels. God came to encourage me again. I truly needed it. He confirmed in this video also the words he was saying to me of resting. He confirmed many things he has repeated to me in this video. I hope you are encouraged and enjoy! The Lord loves to be involved in marriages and though I am at the state of not seeing the promise yet, I believe him for all he said to me regarding this marriage to come orchestrated by him. The patterns in these marriages never cease to amaze me with how he has been preparing me also. See video below…

These messages are to help future prophets or believers Called by God to Teach…What God revealed about being tempted…

A test was sent my way and God revealed so much through it later. Fellowship is not coming together to bash or discourage one another and it is not the battle of scriptures. God is the only one allowed to judge our walk. Fellowship is worship, love and companionship with partners of Jesus to share the testimonials he has done for us. If someone comes at you to fellowship, yet there fellowship involves negative comments at your testimonials and scripture throws and saying they have years of experience over you….run!  You will be able to sense it in the spirit something is not right. Jesus does not care about years of experience lol Jesus does not even care how well you know the scriptures. You search the scriptures, yet you don’t find me he said. I am a living testimonial of that. When Jesus taught me about fellowship, he sat down on the ground with me and we just enjoyed each other and had a good convo. He only uses words to lift up and encourage and he is our teacher as an example.
People will come and say you have to do it this way or that. Yet also comes with negative comments, twist of your words and confusion. Sounds less like fellowship or lifting up the spirit and encouraging and more like the enemy. This is a test to whom will you follow and believe!! You become like who you follow. No one is perfect of course, but there will be equality in Christ.  You may see their true fruits come against you as you speak his truth. God said you need no man to teach you but the anointing in you if you are chosen to teach. If God sends someone to teach a teacher other then himself, you will certainly be told by him and it will be in peace, love and harmony. It will be a divine connection and he will confirm it.

Psalm 32: I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.

Psalms 118:8 “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”

God literally sent me a scripture for assurance:
1 Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.