Kingdom Marriages From The “Strong One” Jesus


This lesson is for the one’s filled with the holy spirit and with fire (Matthew 3:11-17 KJV), if you haven’t been given this and experienced all I speak about yet, please ask God for this gift he desires to give freely to those with sincere hearts to use it for his glory. God desires to choose a mate for everyone and he will if you ask, but these are the one’s going through fire, being refined to teach preach etc…They have a chosen spouse for their calling or purpose to match their gifts that God revealed to them. You will know if this is for you! Below are things God has taught me with life experiences or with visions and prophetic messages over the years.  I hope this message will give some of you waiting hope and encouragement.

Chosen Kingdom Marriages –

I had to refocus my mind back on what God has been teaching me about his daughters or the brides of fire (this is for men too, but reversed) and why they are rare jewels being kept in protection by him from relationships for a chosen mate. The rejection is protection. There is fire on the outside of his brides just like if you get too far away from Jesus you feel the storms more. His children given the fire to teach, preach or prophecy etc… are the same and are protected. It’s to protect against the wrong one’s getting in or the evil bc there is a gift or promise in them he wants to bring forth for his’s his fire in them to teach/guide/warn the flock not yet prepared. They seek to follow his will fully! The inside you will see rare beauty Jesus adores bc they are close to the King and he is inside them. However, if your on the outside trying to come in anywhere but through his front gate…you will feel his fire. The only man/woman that can get in, will be the one God allows to come, the one chosen to be their mate. If we allow someone to come in bc of free will, then we suffer with the consequence and hopefully learn a lesson and put back on the armor of God and wait on the Lord to reveal.

God will send us people to teach us along the way, to help us grow or test us, but they won’t stay long. Most of these will not be ready to go where God is taking you and that is part of the lesson! You must know God is always testing us to teach us to grow to be like him. They aren’t allowed to stay and they may hurt us if we allow them to stay too long. The wrong one can hinder our spirit or calling even. When God is in your ear, no one else can hinder his voice until he say’s it’s time. God made me a promise of marriage and has been teaching me ever since to be a bride as well as teacher to help others understand supernatural marriages. Sadly, I have had to go through many heartaches to learn my lessons over the years. To become stronger spiritually and what to look for in a kingdom minded spiritual mate.

Many of these lessons were in a game I played, where the wolves were always lurking around to devour or trick me. Trust me, it was not just a game for someone close to Jesus. Satan seeks to devour everywhere and he did it consistently with me where I was planted to help the lost. Over three years in this game alone, I have had 1000’s come my way on a daily basis and I learned so much through this process. I have had to endure things outside of this game too consistently. I see how so many are still blind. I had to learn to be quick, think like Jesus and run when I needed. I have failed, but I got back up. I had to learn to listen to the holy spirit more, and move more with him. Sadly, I cared so much I get attached to people very quickly, but through all this heartache, I think I finally have realized what I truly want and I can’t accept less anymore. I see people wanting fleshly things in partners, but my true desire is for Jesus in them fully.  I don’t care ab fame or fortune, that means nothing here….I want to see Jesus in him. Isn’t that a rare request? I do not want a partner that Jesus does not flow through. I don’t want a partner not reaching to the heights Jesus asked me to reach and I do not want a partner not willing to grow with him and me. I do not want a partner who runs away bc he does not understand things of the spirit to the level I have been taught. I do not want a partner that does not have a heart like mine to help the lost and broken. We are here for a purpose and marriage is not always about ourselves. Especially kingdom marriages.

If the Lord Jehovah makes us wait, let us do so with our whole hearts; for blessed are all they that wait for Him. He is worth waiting for. The waiting itself is beneficial to us: it tries faith, exercises patience, trains submission, and endears the blessing when it comes. The Lord’s people have always been a waiting people- Charles Spurgeon

God said my husband is a “Strong Man from the Strong One’ and I know this means spiritually strong and discerning with wisdom and self-sacrifice to also do God’s will. He has shown me he is partnered with Jesus so much he hears him and is one with him through many visions. God showed me a vision one time where he has sackcloth like me with two hearts in it for me and him…meaning he has suffered greatly too. I know he will see through my flaws and through the pain I have had to endure with sacrifice for him and for Jesus and not be chasing the devil’s plots and fake plans still. I don’t chase satan’s plans anymore…I follow and am used by Jesus to reveal his plans now. The one’s who didn’t reject it, they saw Jesus working too. I used to do it backwards, but Jesus showed me a better way.

People don’t understand the process God uses me for, but it’s not meant to be understood in flesh and what matters is I see Jesus working in it daily. The heartache I had to endure every time I was misunderstood, or other’s got married, or enjoyed relationships I sat and said but God I am waiting on you? He will be prepared like me! I know he won’t look past me or leave me like the rest bc I speak and see from Jesus. He won’t belittle me bc of my lack of trust, but build my trust as Jesus does. He will not run to another girl in confusion, bc he will know who I am to Jesus…he will know bc Jesus will tell him! He will hunt me down as Jesus did! Jesus showed me this…that all this will be this strong man’s ways bc he stays close to Jesus too, so he will resemble him. This man that can break through my broken heart from so many others bc he see’s Jesus working in me, he will be loved greatly with devotion and my full respect. Strong men of God won’t be confused, bc they also are waiting sacrificially for the King to reveal their mate by him. If God said a strong man he is sending me…”the best of him”…This is a strong man according to what he taught me! These kingdom marriages will never be perfect, and I would never expect perfection in a fallen world and since Jesus is always working on us, but this is what Jesus planted in my heart to look for in my kingdom man. These kingdom marriages will have Jesus moving between them. That is rare and a prize worth waiting for!