Prophetic Word: Made An Open Path


I heard a word this morning from the spirit that said “Made An Open Path.” I believe it goes with the last post about the invitation to find him. Now it’s him showing us his open but narrow path to follow him. The Lord is inviting us all on this path with him where he leads us straight. He clears the path for the righteous, those that believe him and desire to follow him and his ways. He will make our crooked paths straight and offer open doors in times of need. The path is narrow, but if you follow the one on the path Jesus, he has the way already planned for us and will fix everything broken. We have to let go of our own idea of his will for us and ask him for his plans and purpose. This is following him fully. He has recently taught me, we can easily misunderstand or misinterpret him and his plans with our own understanding, so it’s wise to seek confirmation and wait on the Lord to reveal things fully if we are confused or unsure… he is always willing to do that. Do not lean on your own understanding…Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) – “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” The Lord is continuing to repeat the words “Invitation” and “Don’t Miss It” to my spirit, so this is important to him for his people to come when he calls, follow when he leads and seek when he say’s “Find Me.” He is always near, but we also have to do our part and stay close to him. He has an open path for us and if our focus is on him even when there is destruction around us, that is where we find joy and rest. His perfect peace in the battlefield.

Psalm 16:11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

There are some that ignored the invitation: Jeremiah 6:16 Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein….

Vision: I saw a vision a bit ago with Jesus face again. It was mostly the left side of his face and he was looking at me. Hair was down and no hood over his head this time. He had wavy hair to his shoulders as always. I was going through very intense spiritual attacks then.

I wanted to quote a site I felt led too I can add to this with her story how she stepped out into faith and followed the Lord. It’s a supernatural decision and an invitation to follow his path.

“I didn’t want to hear Him tell me “no” like he told Abraham, even though His staying words would eventually lead me to His gracious “yes”. But that day I knew I’d heard God’s voice. He was inviting me—and I do mean it was an invitation—to step out in faith, follow Him into unfamiliar places, and obey Him in ways that would require sacrifice.” Kelly Minter… to read her full story…

Proverbs 4:26 “Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.”
Visions: I had a few visions of vector type art. I am an artist and I have picked back up on designing more lately and the Lord loves to relate to that. I love that he does that. One was a woman holding a laundry basket with mud on her face. The second was a pastel rainbow on a shirt. Another was I saw a man with a graduation hat on looking out.

Vision: This one came true already, I saw a vision of my mom with a boyfriend who was helping her do laundry and it felt this meaning was he was helping her, but I was not sure about him and did not trust him. He had the image of her ex too, so is God saying another like her ex? it came true bc she told me today that she has a date with someone. hmmm lol….Tbh I did pray for her to get help and find love again. My mom has a good heart towards others, she has always given her last dollar, shirt or food to anyone that needed it, If someone is sick she is right there taking care of them. If anyone deserves love…it’s her. However, I know that no man can fully fill that void but Jesus.

Dreams of everyone around me getting things, and cousin even won a lottery(this could be providence or increase meaning). Then all of a sudden there was something to do with me going to see the limo down the street and a guy was telling me I was famous and said a reporter was looking for me and that I was nice. He wanted to find out more info about me and I said I would rather not say. He was standing with his wife. Maybe I am famous in the spiritual realm, but I am no one here lol. I had to laugh at this one, bc I have no desire to be famous, so maybe another meaning behind it and time always reveals.