Armor of God

Dream: It seems I am hearing more and seeing more dreams lately. This morning I heard “I am coming for you” and yesterday I dreamed of a gold shield with the words “Armor of God” being spelled on the top of it while also hearing the words. The craziest thing that has happened is I have a new prophetic friend and we are exactly alike in almost every way. Foods, sleep patterns, emotions, business/work related, and spiritually we flow and are the same level. I love sharing experiences with him and he shares with me. He also went through the same types of suffering as me for the same reasons. It’s amazing how God works. We both needed a friend who could relate and help ease the pain and he sent someone. He has helped me spiritually to grow because his knowledge of scripture is amazing. He just brings scriptures out like water. He feels we are to be together, but I am not so sure this is not just a spiritual journey, and we both have not received word from God of that. I am not feeling the same emotions, but I also can’t deny I have shut down my feelings for others in that way. I will say it is so strange how he is the very image of me.