As I lay down I asked God about his will for me and am i doing what he wants. I had a vision of a line of words and I saw the words “His Best” stick out. I knew what he meant by it, and I have to wait for his timing and his best work. God gives his best in his time and I have to wait for him to work and if God made you a promise for a future spouse this message is also for you. God will give you his best…not your best choice, not their best choice, but HIS best choice for you. We have to trust that he knows what we truly need more then we know. He will make it happen, and we won’t have to do it in our own strength at all. If we do try to force something that wasn’t from God, God won’t get the glory. When it’s the right time (his timing) it will happen and “his plans never fail.”
To match this God sent me another supernatural love story. It was right there as soon as I opened up my videos. There is a girl and guy version. Visit at:
Another Video I wanted to share…This humble man understands waiting on God for the right one and very touching video also:
Vision: I Saw a barn and it had a cute ball light hanging made of sticks. I felt happiness here and I am not sure what this place was being used for, but I had a vision of a barn before. Barn wedding idk….
Vision: I saw the night sky and heard fireworks in my ears and saw very dim lights flashing. I also felt happiness and content.
Dream: I dreamed a very detailed dream of a young girl with long stringy light brown hair. She was in a broken down car with 5 of her siblings bc her parents passed away. I looked in the car while she was explaining what happened to me and saw many canned foods and some baby food. She had them organized in some kinda organizer thing that was stackable. Some of the babies were toddlers and were outside the car playing. Others were in their car seats. I felt so bad for her and asked her if there was anything she needed. She said she needed medical and I remembered a medical place very close that offered free medical and other things. I took her and the kids along with my son to it and she was getting the free flyers while waiting to be seen by the doctor. I remember her going back to see the doc. It was a very small doctors office with only four rooms and one room had a pregnancy baby monitor table. I remember even the location where I saw her and not sure if this is a future event, but appears a lot of my dreams come true in some form or another.
God Said “His Best”