God Did Something Beautiful: Ruth 1:16


I woke seeing Ruth 1:16 and it was in my favorite lavender color with cute swirly type font this time. How much he pays attention to what I love 🙂 God is so creative he loves to relate to our desires with his messages. Then, I also love pinterest and I saw the words “Are You Ready?” directly after this and the words popped onto a pinterest pin.
I woke up and didn’t think much about these two relating and even read a bit of the scripture of Ruth, but went on to do my own things. However, God wanted to get the message he sent and as I was searching for something I see this video first about a girl who is embracing her singleness and she was so much like me wanting to learn how to live on her own and using her many artistic talents to work for herself. She also loves nature as I do and it just was a breath of fresh air to watch her video and made me realize I need to enjoy being single right now. Then directly after this video, God made sure I got the Ruth scripture message even more loud and clear. The guy was talking about this very scripture and how we should be secure in singleness. It was confirmations of what I have been praying about and what God was saying so much. I prayed to be content and find God deeper the way I did before. I am now content and reminded how much more this time is important in my life and very short to be single.  Even though my heart still hurts I know this time is for Jesus to court me and show me his love on a deeper level and this time is for me to find myself deeper also while also focusing on my ministry. I am afraid if I marry, it will take away from this, so I am embracing it while I can. I know Jesus has to be the one to unveil his bride for the king he chose, and until then we date the King Jesus himself 🙂 It has been so beautiful feeling that kind of peace in my heart again and he gives me love messages even. He makes sure I know he is there and shows me how a true man will treat me. It’s amazing to see how he shows love!

Why was Ruth 1:16 so important to God? Ruth was more focused on doing what was right and staying with Naomi to help her, over her own desires. She was loyal in doing good and was rewarded for this. We need to stay loyal to God first, and then he will reward us the desires of our heart.
Ruth 1:16 And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:

Why did God say “Are You Ready?” God has not given me the answer to this yet. Either he was asking to make me aware that I am not ready and need to be content first in him and his timing, or because I finally got the message, so now he feels I am ready. Either way, I am content with his timing and his choice.

Adding a couple more cute things God did for me: First he has been answering me like crazy. I ask him for specific things or answers and he shows or answers me. Second, I asked him to eat with me and the next day I am eating with my mom and sisters and look up and see this picture on her wall with Jesus eating at a table and staring at me lol How funny is he! This is what you get when he is courting you! All eyes/ears are on you and he gives you special attention. So in love with him :)) This is his desire for all his people.